Possible pregnancy risks during the first trimester

 Risk factors that you should pay attention to during the first trimester

Pregnancy is divided into three stages with a total of 9 months (40 weeks or 280 days), and each stage has its risks.

In the first three months or the first stage, most women tend to feel nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. This means that the fetus is not getting enough nutrition, so the mother shows signs of vitamin or mineral deficiency. When mothers suffer from increasingly severe symptoms during this period, they should consult a Doctor to find out possible treatment methods.

Vaginal bleeding is a serious condition that can affect a woman during any stage of pregnancy and also poses a threat to the life of the mother and child. If you suffer from such a condition, you should seek urgent medical care

The first trimester of pregnancy is the first trimester, during which medical professionals divide the entire pregnancy into three stages, for a total of 9 months (40 weeks or 280 days). However, some pregnancies may last up to 42 weeks or 294 days, and each of these stages has its risks.

Risk factors that you should pay attention to during the first trimester

Hyperemesis gravidarum (morning sickness): Most mothers tend to feel severe morning sickness during the first trimester, as they feel nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. However, they must continue to eat properly because nutritional deficiencies can lead to mineral deficiency that can affect both the mother and the child, which may result in the fetus not receiving adequate nutrition for brain development. Mothers who suffer from mineral and vitamin deficiencies should seek medical care immediately if symptoms associated with morning sickness worsen.

Vaginal bleeding: Bleeding from the vagina poses a fatal danger to both the mother and the child, and this condition in particular represents a danger as it can occur at any time during pregnancy, so any signs indicating its occurrence require the mother to seek emergency medical care.

Severe lower abdominal pain: Most pregnant women usually feel lower abdominal pain due to the stretching of the uterine muscles to support the fetus growing inside it. But when this pain becomes unbearably severe or lasts for long hours, in this case, medical care must be sought to determine the cause of the pain.

The risks to which pregnant women are exposed during the first three months of pregnancy may also result from congenital health disorders, including high blood pressure, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, anemia, thyrotoxicosis, and thalassemia. The mother’s age can also increase the risks she is exposed to during her pregnancy. Therefore, mothers who are under 16 years old or over 40 years old are always advised to consult a doctor before trying to conceive.

It is necessary to direct care and attention to the mother’s health during the first three months of pregnancy. The mother should also eat a varied and healthy diet, participate in regular light exercises, maintain her psychological health, and avoid stress, as well as monitor any strange symptoms that may appear and not ignore them. This means the necessity of putting Pregnancy under the care of a reliable medical institution and undergoing a risk examination for preeclampsia during the first trimester, as this examination can reduce the risks by up to 90% and help prevent preeclampsia by 70%. It is necessary for a pregnant woman to always adhere to her doctor’s appointments and consult him in the event of any disorders, and not to take any medication without consulting a doctor in order to preserve the health of the mother and child.

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