The first days of your child's life can shape his or her future. And you get one chance to do it right.
The most important tips that must be followed to care for newborns
- Provide ways for your child to see, hear, move arms and legs freely, and touch you. Skin contact is also very good and can be done from time to time. You should see your baby's arms and legs moving erratically. Your baby is slowly learning how to control his movement.
- Talk to a baby with beautiful voice tones and 'baby talk'. Mother and father should communicate with their newborn baby. You will notice that your child can hear you and will soon begin to memorize and repeat your words.
- Encourage your child to try to reach a safe object to show him, such as a plastic brick. You should see him trying to grab or touch it.
- You can gently change the pitch of your voice to make it slow or fast, high or low, quiet or loud. You can monitor the reaction on your baby's face and body and observe his interaction with you.
- Place the baby on his stomach. Shake a rattle or bell in front of him and slowly raise it a little distance. This will encourage him to raise his head and shoulders to watch it move. This will help the baby follow the movement of the rattle with his eyes and practice raising his head and shoulders. At the same time, he will listen to the sound the rattle makes.
- Touch your baby's skin to skin from time to time. You should feel that your child feels safe and calm when he feels, hears, and smells your presence.
- Calm your baby, massage him, and cuddle him gently. You will see your baby calm and happy to be held and rocked.
- Look into your baby's eyes, and smile in response to the baby's smile by observing his facial expressions. You should see your baby reacting positively to your facial expressions, movements, and gestures. Your baby is learning to communicate and you start seeing him respond to you even before birth.
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