Things a newborn baby needs

Since the mother knows that she will have a baby, she begins to make the necessary arrangements to receive him, by preparing his room and purchasing the supplies that the baby needs for newborns. However, some mothers, especially with the first child, face some confusion about what to buy and provide to receive the baby.

  The most important thing to provide for a newborn baby 

What baby supplies should be prepared before birth

There are some things that must be prepared a few days before birth so that they are ready with the mother when she goes to the hospital to give birth and after she returns with her child safely to her home. They are as follows

Baby bag

It is a bag that must be purchased in order to place everything related to the baby in it, away from the mother’s personal bag. This bag contains some changes and diapers for the baby, along with creams, wet wipes, bottles, shampoo, and all the other supplies the baby needs.


One of the most important supplies that a baby needs from the moment of birth are diapers, which must be changed several times a day and the baby cleaned so that he does not get infections in the diaper area.

When purchasing prenatal diapers, you must take into account that the size is suitable for newborns from one day old and is determined by the baby’s weight between 2 and 5 kg.

Baby care products

Preparing newborn baby care products, including shampoo and shower, diaper cream, baby body oil, baby lotion to moisturize the baby’s skin after bathing, and baby wet wipes.

Bottle for the newborn

Whether you intend to breastfeed naturally or artificially, you must purchase a bottle, which is a bottle equipped with a leather teat, in which the milk is placed. In the case of breastfeeding, it is used to give herbs to the child when needed, and you must consider purchasing good types of different sizes to suit the child’s age stages 

Taking into account that the appropriate size of the bottle for a baby in the first 6 months after birth is 125 ml. It should also be taken into account that the bottle nipple is made of flexible silicone, so that it is the closest thing to breastfeeding.

Personal hygiene supplies for children

Some important small supplies and tools for taking care of the child’s personal hygiene

Hairbrush and comb 

Soft spongy loofah for baby bath 

Small pillow for baby 

Cotton to clean the ear 

Bottle cleaning brush 

Small clipper for newborns 

 Nasal aspirator to clean the child's nose from mucus 

With a child's gesture

It is a piece of cloth lined with tarpaulin that is placed on the child’s chest and tied behind the neck. It is used to protect the child’s clothes and chest from getting wet during breastfeeding, and some drops from the child’s mouth, the mother’s breast, or the bottle fall onto his chest and make him feel wet or cause his clothes to get dirty.

Medical alcohol to disinfect the baby's navel

One of the important medical supplies for a newborn baby is medical alcohol, as it is used to clean and disinfect the baby’s navel, especially in the first week after birth. You should ask the doctor about how to properly care for the baby’s navel after birth.

Change linoleum

It is among the necessary supplies to keep the place clean when changing the baby's diaper, and it is very important when leaving the house, as you have to change the baby's diaper outside. There are types that have pockets in which the rest of the baby’s supplies can be placed, such as diapers and wet wipes.

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