Developments that occur to the fetus during the first three months

 The baby develops rapidly during the first three months. The fetus begins to form

Brain and spinal cord

Organs begin to form. The baby's heart will also start beating during the first stage of pregnancy.

The arms and legs begin to sprout in the first few weeks.

By the end of the eighth week, your fingers and toes will begin to form.

By the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus becomes fully formed:

It is possible to determine the sex of the fetus. The cartilaginous skeleton begins to transform into solid bone. The fetus begins to move and wave. The placenta and amniotic sac are completed, and the fetus can also swallow the amniotic fluid.

Fetal growth in the first month

Developments that occur to the fetus during the first three months

During the first month of pregnancy, some changes occur, as the growth of the fertilized egg is accompanied by the development of both the amniotic sac and the placenta. This sac is filled with fluid and surrounds the fetus throughout the pregnancy in order to protect the fetus.

As for the placenta, it takes a flat, circular shape and transfers food from the mother to the fetus and transfers waste in the opposite direction. The changes that occur during the first weeks of pregnancy are as follows:

The initial structures of the face and neck are formed.

The initial face of the fetus is formed, which consists of two large circles that later form the eyes.

At this stage of fetal development, the mouth, lower jaw, throat, lung, stomach, and liver are formed, along with the development of the heart and blood vessels, where red blood cells take their shape and blood circulation begins to circulate.

At the end of the first month of pregnancy, the number of fetal heartbeats is about 65 beats per minute, and its length is 6.35 millimeters, so the size of the fetus is smaller than the size of a grain of rice.

The second month of fetal growth and development

In the second month of pregnancy, the fetus grows to the point where it can be seen with the naked eye, where one can notice the beginning of the formation of the brain, which consists of two lobes, and some other features become clear, including:

The spine, elbows, knees, fingers and toes begin to form as the bones of the hands and feet begin to harden.

The face begins to form, eyes, ears, and eyelids develop, and the brain and blood vessels can be seen through the thin skin of the head.

Small buds can be observed growing on the trunk of the fetus and later forming the hands and feet.

It is also noted that there are nostrils on the fetus's face, and the heart at the end of the second month consists of 4 chambers.

The size of the head at the end of the second month is inconsistent with the rest of the body, as the length of the fetus at the end of the second month becomes more than 12.7 millimeters, that is, the size of a grain of rice.

The third month of fetal growth and development

The fetus continues to grow during this month, as its body becomes more proportional to the size of the head. At this stage of pregnancy, rapid growth of the fetus and the development of its previously formed organs and tissues are observed.

Changes that occur in the third month of fetal development

The eyes begin to move to the front of the face while the eyelids remain closed.

Fingers and nails grow and develop.

At this stage, the fetus is able to open and close its fist and mouth.

The outer ear is formed, teeth begin to grow, and both the circulatory and urinary systems continue to function.

The liver begins producing bile.

The external reproductive organs grow and begin to appear, develop, and differentiate initially.

At the end of the third month of pregnancy, the length of the fetus is approximately 7.6-10 centimeters and its weight is approximately 28 grams.

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