It is prohibited for pregnant women in the first months of pregnancy
Certainly, everything a pregnant woman does during pregnancy in the first months affects the health of the fetus from its formation until its birth. Negative habits and prohibitions for the pregnant woman also affect the health of the child in the future.
Therefore, the mother must, from the time she finds out about her pregnancy, pay attention to knowing what is forbidden and what is allowed for the pregnant woman and adhere to the doctor’s instructions, in order to preserve her health and the health of the fetus and give birth to a healthy child.
Foods prohibited for pregnant women
Processed and canned foods
This is because they contain preservatives and high levels of sugar and salt and are not nutritious. In addition, some canned foods contain certain types of bacteria that may cause harm to you and your fetus.
Unpasteurized dairy products
Undercooked meat and poultry, such as luncheon meat and burgers
Meat and poultry must be cooked well to get rid of the bacteria present in them that may affect the health of the pregnancy
Seafood rich in mercury
Seafood is one of the most important sources of protein, minerals and omega-3, which is found in several types of fish
But there are some types of fish that contain a high percentage of mercury, such as mackerel, swordfish, and shark
Pregnant women are prohibited from eating fish that contain mercury to avoid mercury poisoning, as mercury greatly affects the fetus’s nervous system.
In addition, pregnant women are also prohibited from eating raw and smoked fish
It is preferable not to eat dates in the first months of pregnancy because it in turn increases uterine contractions and may lead to miscarriage
Some fruits, such as papaya and pineapple.
Foods that contain vitamin A, such as liver, because they lead to fetal malformations
Allowed for pregnant women in the first months of pregnancy
Pasteurized dairy products, such as yogurt
Proteins, such as well-cooked, fat-free meat, poultry, and fish.
Foods rich in folic acid-
Folic acid helps the nervous system and spinal cord of the fetus grow properly. Moreover, folic acid helps in the formation of red blood cells for the mother and fetus to avoid anemia.
Such as spinach, cabbage, lettuce, beans, and peas
Legumes, such as lentils, beans, and chickpeas.
Fruits, such as avocado, guava, oranges, and bananas, but it is recommended not to eat bananas in large quantities during the first months to avoid gestational diabetes or allergies, which may lead to other health problems.
Unsalted nuts, promote heart and brain health because they contain healthy fats and oils.
Foods that contain iron, such as eggplant, spinach, and apples.
Drink low-fat milk-
Natural juices rich in vitamins and minerals, such as orange juice