Showing posts with label 6 months pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6 months pregnancy. Show all posts

Needs of pregnant women in the sixth month - The pregnant woman’s need for psychological support

 Healthy food and an open appetite

In the sixth month, the pregnant woman’s appetite for food increases, so she must know the appropriate food to nourish the fetus during this month and prevent any symptoms that may affect her.

Make sure to make healthy and nutritious meals throughout this period, and identify the most important elements that should be present in food in the sixth month.

Folic acid during this month helps build new cells that form in the fetus’s brain, as well as protein, which you can find in whole grains, such as oats, Syrian pulp, sesame seeds, and peanuts, and it is also found in leafy vegetables.

Needs of pregnant women in the sixth month - The pregnant woman’s need for psychological support

The need for vitamin C in the sixth month

Pregnant women are exposed to bleeding gums during this month, which is a recurring symptom in many pregnant women. Therefore, attention must be given to Vitamin C during this month, which helps in cell regeneration and restoring health after the bleeding ends.

The need for vitamin C, which is found in some fruits; Such as lemons, oranges, strawberries, and tangerines. As the months of pregnancy progress, the pregnant woman is vulnerable to constipation and hemorrhoids. Therefore, fiber should be one of the basic food components in this month, and vegetables are the important element to provide the pregnant woman with the appropriate fibers that help complete the digestion process and comfort the intestines, thus reducing the incidence of constipation or hemorrhoids. During pregnancy.

Fluids are very important during this period of pregnancy, as they help the nutrition reach the fetus and prevent constipation.

Fruits are an essential source of water and various vitamins and minerals. Make sure to always eat them in different meals. In order not to gain too much weight, make sure to prepare healthy, low-calorie snacks. To always be ready

Potatoes and beans

It provides the pregnant woman's body with iron, which is involved in the formation of red blood cells, fiber, and magnesium, which is important for bone growth and helps the body convert food into energy.

All kinds of vegetables, especially those containing magnesium and calcium, such as cauliflower, green beans, cabbage, okra, and carrots.

Canned sardines, because they contain soft, edible bones, provide pregnant women with calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and magnesium.

Dark chocolate is due to its content of potassium, magnesium, iron, and some calcium.

Rice and mushrooms, provide the body with magnesium, fiber, calcium, and vitamin D. Low-fat milk; is rich in calcium

Foods that pregnant women do not need to eat

You should only pay attention to the food that is appropriate for you and the fetus, and avoid other foods that may cause harm to you or the fetus, such as seafood, raw fish, or fish that contain mercury.

Fast foods high in saturated fats are harmful foods that are a major cause of gestational diabetes.

Soy sauce is an essential source of estrogen, which is one of the hormones that affect the development of the fetus.

Stay away from undercooked food; Such as raw meat or raw eggs, or spicy food. There is some acidity that you suffer from during pregnancy, and spicy food increases this acidity and the feeling of pain during digestion.

Fever and a feeling that you need unhealthy foods during pregnancy, but try to replace unhealthy foods with healthy types of food so that they do not cause harm to you or your fetus.

Needs of pregnant women in the sixth month - The pregnant woman’s need for psychological support

The pregnant woman's need for psychological the sixth month

The hormonal and physical changes that a pregnant woman goes through this month greatly affect her psychology, and it may lead to a state of depression.

Therefore, she needs those around her, especially her husband, to provide psychological support and a calm atmosphere free of anxiety, tension, and emotion.

This reduces the psychological pressure that she actually suffers from due to her weight gain, the strong kicks of her fetus, and the rapid hormonal changes.

Resorting to exercise is what a pregnant woman needs most during this month, as well as yoga and meditation exercises, which help her mentally and physically.

Depression during the sixth month of pregnancy

As the pregnant woman feels that her due date is approaching, she has begun to think about the amount of responsibility after the birth of the fetus, her change in appearance after her weight gain, and what will her relationship with her husband be like?

She experiences many symptoms, such as sadness, crying for no reason, pessimism, preoccupation with pregnancy and childbirth, disturbance in the process of sleeping and waking up, and increased insomnia at night.

In addition to a lot of tension, rapid irritation, and irritation for the most trivial reasons, and suspicion and jealousy of the husband.

Lack of appetite and weight, loss of feelings of joy or hope and activity, social withdrawal, and isolation from those around them

Stages of fetal development during the sixth month

 During the sixth month, most of your fetus’s organs have formed, and it begins to grow and develop rapidly in preparation for the end of the second trimester of pregnancy and the beginning of the last trimester. So what does your fetus look like now? Follow us to find out the answer.

Stages of fetal development during the sixth month

Fetal development in weeks 24-27


The length of the fetus becomes 33 cm, and its weight is 570 grams.

Sweat glands are formed in the skin.

The arm and leg muscles are more prominent.

The fetus becomes able to use its arm and leg muscles.

The fetus experiences periods of movement during which the mother feels his kicks in her abdomen.

The child becomes able to cough and hiccup.

The child is still pure meat, and the fat has not yet formed.

Fetal development in weeks 28-31


The child's length becomes 37 cm, and his weight is 900 grams.

The fetus becomes a lot of moving and kicking, and its movements in the abdomen become clear.

Fat begins to form and is stored by the fetus.

The fetus's eyes open.

The sebum (greasy coating) covers his face and body, making his skin waterproof.

The fetus's skin becomes red and wrinkled.

The part of the brain related to thinking develops as it becomes larger and more complex.

Children's taste buds develop

Are these foods important for a pregnant woman in the sixth month? Eat these foods

 The sixth month of pregnancy You have reached the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, as your fetus continues to grow, which requires maintaining a balanced diet. In this article, we present to you the elements that are important to eat during the sixth month of pregnancy.

Are these foods important for a pregnant woman in the sixth month? Eat these foods


Proteins are an important element in the formation of the fetal brain, the growth of other tissues for the pregnant woman, and the increase in the size of the uterus and breasts during pregnancy. Therefore, proteins are a major substance in the nutrition of pregnant women, and you can find them in lean meat, white fish, eggs, lentils, and peas. Beans: Pregnant women are advised to eat between 75-100 grams per day.


Among the main materials during the sixth month, it is recommended to eat foods that contain carbohydrates once or twice a day, and they can be found in potatoes, pasta, corn, nuts, and oats.


Its importance increases during the sixth month, and it becomes one of the most important foods for pregnant women, so it must become part of the diet during this period. The following vegetables are recommended: carrots, squash, turnips, eggplant, green beans, and tomatoes. It is recommended to cook them steamed to preserve their nutritional elements.


  Fruits are extremely important for pregnant women and nothing compares to their value, so in the sixth month, you should focus on the following fruits: bananas, grapes, kiwi, apples, pears, and oranges.


Fluids, especially water and fruit juice, contribute to renewing the body’s cells and giving the fetus the essential minerals it needs and some elements needed to strengthen its body. Therefore, be sure to drink plenty of fluids, as it is advisable to drink between 6-8 cups of fluids daily.

Pasteurized low-fat milk

It contains calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D, which are very important elements for pregnant women, so her daily diet must include drinking significant amounts of pasteurized low-fat milk.

sunflower seeds

  It is very important for a pregnant woman because it contains elements that her body and the fetus need, especially calcium, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Dried fruits

It is an essential element during the sixth month, as it contains calcium, iron, and magnesium, so be sure to eat dry fruits such as dates, apricots, cashews, and almonds.