Showing posts with label 4 months pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4 months pregnancy. Show all posts

Learn about the nutrition of pregnant women in the fourth month | 4 months pregnancy

 Medical examinations during the fourth month of pregnancy

Learn about the nutrition of pregnant women in the fourth month | 4 months pregnancy

This is done using ultrasound imaging, to verify the nature of the changes that the fetus is going through
Listening to the fetal heartbeat
This examination helps to confirm whether the fetus's heartbeat is normal.
Measure weight, blood pressure, and other routine tests
Urine test
This test is performed to check the presence of sugar or protein in the urine
A test to check the accumulation of fluid within the body
  Or what is referred to as the edema test, which is a test that helps verify the presence of any swelling in the legs, ankles, or feet, as fluid accumulation may indicate the presence of some diseases that must be treated?
Alpha-fetoprotein test
   Alpha-fetoprotein, or AFP for short, is a blood test that aims to measure the level of alpha-fetoprotein in the second trimester of pregnancy. Alpha-fetoprotein is a protein that is produced in the liver of the fetus, and its high or low levels may indicate that the fetus is suffering from some diseases and congenital disorders, such as problems with the fetus’s neural tube. Or it may indicate a pregnancy with twins or an error in calculating the gestational age
Examination of chorionic villi
   Chorionic villus sampling, for short (CVS), is one of the tests that is performed if the fetus is suspected of having Down Syndrome, or other diseases resulting from a chromosomal disorder. It is performed by collecting a small amount of the baby’s placenta, and it is usually performed either at the end of the third month Or the beginning of the fourth month of pregnancy
  Amniocentesis is a test performed to check for any chromosomal problems in the child as well, by collecting a small amount of fluid surrounding the child inside the mother’s uterus, and it may be performed in the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy.
Nuchal translucency measurement examination
  Nuchal translucency is used to detect the possibility of the fetus having Down Syndrome by looking at the back of the fetus’s neck. This examination is performed in the third or fourth month of pregnancy.

Ultrasound examination in the fourth month

Tips for pregnant women in the fourth month

It is recommended that you follow the following tips to maintain your health and the health of your child
Follow a healthy diet: eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, foods rich in calcium, and foods low in unhealthy fats.
Avoid eating foods that may cause food poisoning, including:
Raw meat.
Raw eggs, which may also be present in mayonnaise.
Unpasteurized milk.
Soft cheese such as feta cheese.
Eat more fish: Make sure to avoid fish containing a high percentage of mercury.
Make sure to drink sufficient amounts of water daily: Your body now needs water more than before, and in general, make sure to drink about 8 cups daily.
Exercise regularly: Be sure to stop exercising if you feel tired, short of breath, dizzy, or have stomach discomfort.
Make sure to always wear comfortable shoes
Make sure to get enough rest and sleep: about 7-9 hours a day
Take measures to reduce stress
Stop smoking
Make sure to take the flu vaccine on time or deal with toxic cleaners.
Take nutritional supplements that contain vitamins and minerals based on your doctor’s recommendations: These include folic acid, iron, and calcium. These supplements may ensure that you get the essential nutrients for you and your baby.
Make sure to visit your doctor regularly

Learn about the nutrition of pregnant women in the fourth month | 4 months pregnancy

 Learn about the nutrition of pregnant women in the fourth month

Learn about the nutrition of pregnant women in the fourth month | 4 months pregnancy

 During the fourth month of pregnancy, the woman begins to overcome the stage of instability that characterizes the first trimester of pregnancy, but this does not mean not adhering to the advice directed to all pregnant women or neglecting to follow a healthy diet. Rather, in this month she must pay attention to her diet, which is a must. It should include elements that benefit her health and the health of her fetus,

the authorities

Vegetables are considered very important foods for a pregnant woman and for her fetus in the fourth month because they work to increase blood flow to the fetus to nourish it and help increase the percentage of oxygen, especially fresh leafy vegetable salad or those that include fresh vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, radishes, and parsley with drops of olive oil. Olives and lemon juice. You can also eat celery and lettuce salad.


Legumes are considered one of the most important foods during the fourth month of pregnancy, because they are a rich and important source of proteins, iron, fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and folic acid, which are elements that pregnant women desperately need in this month, and they also contribute to strengthening the health of the pregnant woman’s immune system. Therefore, it is considered beneficial to eat all types of legumes, such as lentils, which you can use to prepare soup and eat for dinner before bed. You can also eat beans for dinner and breakfast. And chickpeas, which improve the functions of the brain cells of the fetus.

Dry Fruits

Dry fruits are considered one of the most important foods for pregnant women in the fourth month, and they play an important role in the formation of the fetus, strengthening its bones, and reducing the pregnant woman’s feeling of constipation and indigestion, due to them containing vitamins, proteins, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Among the most important types of dried fruits are dried figs, apricots, Raisins, dates, almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, and pistachios, and it is preferable to eat one meal of them daily.

Folic acid

  Folate or folic acid belongs to the B vitamins family, and it is a very necessary element for the fetus, and its deficiency may lead to mental and physical retardation of the fetus, or defects in the neural tube. Such as spina bifida, and the risk of premature birth is reduced. Therefore, make sure that your diet includes folic acid, to avoid risks to the fetus. The recommended amount of it is 400-800 micrograms per day, and you can find it in oatmeal, beets, beans, and tuna. Meat, oranges, potatoes, cauliflower, eggs and vegetables.


It is an important meal for pregnant women because it strengthens the bones and gives them pregnant woman energy, vitality, and activity. It also contributes to the growth of the fetus and prevents any deformities. Fish is rich in iron, calcium, and proteins, and contains a large number of vitamins, fatty acids, and vegetable oils. Therefore, it is recommended to eat two to three medium-sized portions of fish during the week. Avoid names that contain large amounts of mercury. Which is considered a toxic substance.

Cheese and milk products

  This is because it provides the body with calcium, iron, energy, and many proteins. Therefore, it is necessary for a pregnant woman in the fourth month to consume most dairy products, cheese, and milk. It is recommended at least two cups of skim milk in the morning and before bed.

Fourth month of pregnancy | 4 months pregnancy | 4 months pregnancy

 What is the fourth month of pregnancy?

By the fourth month of pregnancy, you will have passed the first trimester of pregnancy, which is considered the most critical period in the development of the fetus, and you have now begun the second trimester of pregnancy. You will feel better than you did in the first trimester of pregnancy, as the symptoms of dizziness and morning sickness decrease significantly in This stage.
Fetal development in the fourth month of pregnancy
Fetal developments in the fourth month of pregnancy include:
At this stage, the fetus begins to move, as you may feel it for the first time since the beginning of your pregnancy.
Eyes begin to form, as their location changes from the neck to the sides of the head.
The neck increases in length and the chin appears clearly during the ultrasound examination.
Facial features begin to form.

Fourth month of pregnancy | 4 months pregnancy | 4 months pregnancy

Your baby's unique fingerprints have been formed.
The fetus begins to respond to external stimuli.
The fetus's body is covered with soft, fluffy hair, and eyebrows and hair begin to grow in the middle of this month.
The roof of the mouth is formed.
The fetus begins to suck its thumb, its limbs become able to move, and the nervous system begins to function.
The sex of the fetus can be determined by its external genital organs visible on an ultrasound examination.

The prostate gland begins to develop in male fetuses, and the ovary moves from the abdomen to the pelvic area in female fetuses, and hundreds and thousands of eggs are formed inside it within two weeks.
It's time to wear pregnancy-specific clothes, and increase your regular visits to your gynecologist, as clear changes appear in your body, including:
You begin to feel sluggish, lethargic, and feel the desire to go to the bathroom frequently, due to the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the pelvic muscles.
The uterus becomes the size of a grape harvest, and you feel heavy and full, with an increase in the size of the abdomen and waist.
The breasts increase in size and become more round and full in preparation for milk production and breastfeeding after childbirth.

Dizziness and nausea decrease but do not disappear completely.
A decrease in sugar levels occurs, as you feel weak and dizzy frequently, so be sure to sit and stand slowly and avoid making sudden or violent movements.
In contrast to the mood swings that you experienced in the first trimester of pregnancy, your mood improves and you feel calmer and better this month.
The heart pumps blood 20% more than usual, to provide the fetus with the necessary oxygen.