Showing posts with label 5 months pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5 months pregnancy. Show all posts

Forbidden foods for pregnant women in the fifth month

 Foods and drinks that you should avoid during pregnancy


Soft drinks

  It contains a lot of unhealthy calories, sugar, and caffeine. Stop eating it completely, and drink fresh fruit juices instead.



Forbidden foods for pregnant women in the fifth month
Too much caffeine during pregnancy causes insomnia in children after they are born. Tea, coffee,
and chocolate contains caffeine, so it is best to avoid them completely, but if you are a fan of caffeine, reduce the amount to a maximum of two cups per day.


Smoked and raw seafood

If you love sushi, it's time to take a break. Smoked seafood often contains listeria bacteria, which may cause stillbirth, miscarriage, or some diseases in newborns.

Fish that contain mercury: Avoid fish, such as sharks, swordfish, and mackerel, because they may contain a percentage of methylmercury, which may affect the fetus, causing brain damage, for example.


  Raw or undercooked eggs and meat

  Your diet must include eggs and meat, but you should avoid raw eggs or undercooked meat because raw eggs contain bacteria called salmonella, which causes food poisoning. While an attack of food poisoning may not directly harm the fetus, it will weaken the fetus’s organs. Your immune system can harm the growth of the fetus, and raw meat also contains iron, which can lead to the death of the fetus during childbirth or miscarriage during pregnancy.


Certain fruits and vegetables

  You should not eat too much of fruits such as pineapple, pomegranate, and papaya, which are known to cause uterine contractions. Vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce, and eggplant should also be eaten in moderation. Furthermore, all fruits and vegetables should be eaten after washing them properly.

Learn about useful foods for pregnant women in the fifth month

 In the fifth month of pregnancy, your body begins to show a noticeable change in the increase in the size of the abdomen compared to the previous months and the appearance of pregnancy on you. This increase is accompanied by an intense desire for food, due to the increase in the level of hormones and the nutritional rate of the fetus as well, so you must pay close attention to the eating habits that you follow, And the types of food necessary for you and your fetus this month

Learn about useful foods for pregnant women in the fifth month

Useful foods for pregnant women in the fifth month

A pregnant woman in the fifth month needs an additional 347 calories per day. It should come from sources of protein and calcium. Do everything you can to avoid getting them from added fats, sugar, and carbohydrates and from the best sources


Protein-rich foods

  Proteins are the best food for pregnant women in the fifth month, as following a diet rich in proteins is necessary to ensure a strong physical structure for the fetus, and the growth of its muscles and skin. Foods rich in protein include chicken, eggs, nuts, and legumes. If you are a vegetarian, you can eat soybeans and chickpeas.



Salad is one of the most important foods that contains a variety of vegetables, minerals, and various fibers in one dish, such as cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, beets, arugula, and onions. However, avoid pickles as much as possible, as they contain high levels of sodium.


. Whole grains

  Whole grains contain many elements that the fetus desperately needs in this month, and they also meet its increasing need for energy and good nutrition, such as wheat, rice, corn, and oats, which are rich in vitamin E, vitamin B, iron, and magnesium.


  Iron-rich foods

Make sure your diet includes a lot of iron-rich vegetables, such as spinach, cauliflower, arugula, and eggplant, to meet the body’s need for iron, in addition to fat-free red meat. Iron also forms a large part of hemoglobin during pregnancy, and the amount of blood in the mother’s body increases by 50 percent. Approximately %, it needs more iron to produce more hemoglobin for all that extra blood; Therefore, these foods are among the most beneficial foods for pregnant women in the fifth month.


  Foods rich in calcium

  Make sure to eat sufficient amounts of milk, yogurt, and cheeses that are rich in calcium, which is necessary for the growth of the fetus, and to prevent osteoporosis, given that the body’s absorption of calcium is better than other nutrients this month, and eat more foods rich in calcium, such as almonds, some legumes, sardines, and leafy vegetables. Green.



  Make sure to eat fruits constantly because they contain many vitamins, such as apples, pears, bananas, oranges, kiwis, berries, and apricots. You can also make juice with a mixture of fruits and adding yogurt.

Care and advice for pregnant women in the fifth month

 Good care during pregnancy is important for the health and development of the fetus, as exercising, a good diet, and obtaining regular medical care are important steps. Do you want to know the most important tips for pregnant women in the fifth month? Read on and learn the most important tips.

Tips for pregnant women in the fifth month

Care and advice for pregnant women in the fifth month

1. Exercise

It is preferable to do some safe physical activities and exercises while pregnant women to help the body later during labor and childbirth, to avoid pregnancy complications, such as high blood pressure and gestational diabetes, and to speed up the recovery period after childbirth.

2. Follow a diet suitable for pregnancy

During the fifth month, it is recommended to obtain an additional 300 calories, to maintain the child’s health, nutrition, and growth. However, it is worth noting that these calories are not obtained through fast food, but rather through foods rich in the following:

With protein, such as: chicken and fish.

Low-fat dairy products, such as cheese, milk, and yogurt.

Whole grains, such as: brown rice, quinoa, and oats.

Fiber to fight constipation and hemorrhoids.

Fresh fruits and vegetables.


olive oil.


3. Rest and good sleep

One of the most important tips for pregnant women in the fifth month is to get enough rest and good sleep, as these are important things that help reduce stress and fatigue associated with pregnancy.

It is also worth noting to take comfortable sleeping positions by sleeping on the left side and placing a pregnancy pillow between the legs to get a good and comfortable sleep.

4. Consult your doctor regularly

One of the most important tips for a pregnant woman in the fifth month is to visit the doctor regularly to perform the necessary tests to verify the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus by measuring the following:

the weight.

blood pressure.

Urine examination.

Fetal heartbeat.

Size and shape of the uterus.

Verify the fundus of the uterus