Forbidden foods for pregnant women in the fifth month

 Foods and drinks that you should avoid during pregnancy


Soft drinks

  It contains a lot of unhealthy calories, sugar, and caffeine. Stop eating it completely, and drink fresh fruit juices instead.



Forbidden foods for pregnant women in the fifth month
Too much caffeine during pregnancy causes insomnia in children after they are born. Tea, coffee,
and chocolate contains caffeine, so it is best to avoid them completely, but if you are a fan of caffeine, reduce the amount to a maximum of two cups per day.


Smoked and raw seafood

If you love sushi, it's time to take a break. Smoked seafood often contains listeria bacteria, which may cause stillbirth, miscarriage, or some diseases in newborns.

Fish that contain mercury: Avoid fish, such as sharks, swordfish, and mackerel, because they may contain a percentage of methylmercury, which may affect the fetus, causing brain damage, for example.


  Raw or undercooked eggs and meat

  Your diet must include eggs and meat, but you should avoid raw eggs or undercooked meat because raw eggs contain bacteria called salmonella, which causes food poisoning. While an attack of food poisoning may not directly harm the fetus, it will weaken the fetus’s organs. Your immune system can harm the growth of the fetus, and raw meat also contains iron, which can lead to the death of the fetus during childbirth or miscarriage during pregnancy.


Certain fruits and vegetables

  You should not eat too much of fruits such as pineapple, pomegranate, and papaya, which are known to cause uterine contractions. Vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce, and eggplant should also be eaten in moderation. Furthermore, all fruits and vegetables should be eaten after washing them properly.

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