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The best food for pregnant women in the seventh month
adms 07 December 2023
 In the third and final trimester of pregnancy, a pregnant woman faces additional physical and emotional challenges, as the baby’s developme...
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Needs of pregnant women in the sixth month - The pregnant woman’s need for psychological support
adms 05 December 2023
 Healthy food and an open appetite In the sixth month, the pregnant woman’s appetite for food increases, so she must know the appropriate fo...
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Stages of fetal development during the sixth month
adms 05 December 2023
 During the sixth month, most of your fetus’s organs have formed, and it begins to grow and develop rapidly in preparation for the end of th...
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Are these foods important for a pregnant woman in the sixth month? Eat these foods
adms 05 December 2023
  The sixth month of pregnancy You have reached the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, as your fetus continues to grow, which require...
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Forbidden foods for pregnant women in the fifth month
adms 03 December 2023
 Foods and drinks that you should avoid during pregnancy 1 Soft drinks   It contains a lot of unhealthy calories, sugar, and caffeine. Stop ...
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Learn about useful foods for pregnant women in the fifth month
adms 03 December 2023
 In the fifth month of pregnancy, your body begins to show a noticeable change in the increase in the size of the abdomen compared to the pr...
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Care and advice for pregnant women in the fifth month
adms 03 December 2023
 Good care during pregnancy is important for the health and development of the fetus, as exercising, a good diet, and obtaining regular medi...
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Necessary supplies in your maternity bag
adms 02 December 2023
 Welcome to the ultimate guide for expecting moms! We uncover the necessary supplies in your maternity bag, ensuring you're fully prepar...
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Newborn baby supplies in winter | What you and your child should have during the winter
adms 02 December 2023
 The winter season and the danger of the cold to their children throughout the winter. They wonder what are the most important necessities f...
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The 14 most important tips before buying clothes for young children
adms 02 December 2023
 Tips before buying newborn clothes During your pregnancy, it's natural to want to be as prepared as possible for when the baby is born....
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Learn about the nutrition of pregnant women in the fourth month | 4 months pregnancy
adms 01 December 2023
 Medical examinations during the fourth month of pregnancy This is done using ultrasound imaging, to verify the nature of the changes that t...
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Learn about the nutrition of pregnant women in the fourth month | 4 months pregnancy
adms 01 December 2023
 Learn about the nutrition of pregnant women in the fourth month   During the fourth month of pregnancy, the woman begins to overcome the st...
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Fourth month of pregnancy | 4 months pregnancy | 4 months pregnancy
adms 01 December 2023
 What is the fourth month of pregnancy? By the fourth month of pregnancy, you will have passed the first trimester of pregnancy, which is co...
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What should be avoided in the first months of pregnancy?
adms 30 November 2023
  It is prohibited for pregnant women in the first months of pregnancy Certainly, everything a pregnant woman does during pregnancy in the f...
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Developments that occur to the fetus during the first three months
adms 30 November 2023
 The baby develops rapidly during the first three months. The fetus begins to form Brain and spinal cord Organs begin to form. The baby'...
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Pregnant care in the first 3 months
adms 30 November 2023
 What is the first trimester of pregnancy? Pregnancy lasts for approximately 40 weeks. The weeks are divided into three groups. The first tr...
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Things a newborn baby needs
adms 29 November 2023
Since the mother knows that she will have a baby, she begins to make the necessary arrangements to receive him, by preparing his room and pu...
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Tips when buying clothes for your newborn and their types
adms 29 November 2023
If you are waiting for a new baby soon, you definitely need to buy clothes for the new baby well before birth in preparation for welcoming h...
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